Dental hygiene is always important, which is why dentists recommend we brush our teeth at least twice a day. However, what about our pets? They have teeth and gums too, which can develop plaque, gingivitis, and other oral problems.

Step One: Preparation

Before your vet can clean your pet’s teeth, they need to know what’s happening in the animal’s mouth. So, your vet will want to do a complete checkup before the procedure. This way, they can address any underlying issues and avoid potential complications during the cleaning.

You may also have to stop feeding your pet after a specific time before the procedure (i.e., no food after midnight the night before). Doing this ensures the cleaning will go as smoothly as possible.

Your vet might also have you give your pet pre-meds to help them calm down and prevent nausea. These medications help your pet feel better before and after the procedure and allow the animal to resume eating much sooner.

Step Two: Cleaning

The best way to clean a pet’s teeth is to anesthetize them beforehand. Vets do this for several reasons:

  • To prevent any nervousness or anxiety. Your pet doesn’t know what’s happening, and it might freak out.
  • To avoid water and runoff going down your pet’s throat during the procedure.
  • To make it easier for the vet to inspect and clean the teeth since most animals won’t be okay with that.

During the process, your vet may also run some x-rays to look for underlying periodontal issues or diseases. It’s crucial to spot these early to avoid complications and a worsening condition. If the vet finds something, they’ll discuss any treatments necessary with you afterward.

Step Three: Post-Cleaning

fter your pet’s teeth are clean, the vet will run through everything with you. During this time, you might get some prescriptions for antibiotics or other medications to help your pet feel its best.

Your vet may also recommend a specific diet or food to keep your pet’s teeth clean between procedures. For example, you might have to switch food brands or give your pet dental chews regularly.

Get Your Pet’s Teeth Cleaned by Capital Home Vet Care

We can help you keep your pet’s teeth clean and healthy, so call us to set up an appointment! We do not provide dentistry at the house call. We will perform the initial dental examination and then refer you to one of several area brick and mortar hospitals with which we work closely