When a pet has joint pain, it can be highly stressful for the people who care for them. Watching your pet struggle to get comfortable and lose interest in his or her favorite playtime activities is tough. If your pet has joint pain, it’s important to work with a veterinarian to understand what’s causing the problem and how best to find relief for your pet.

The Two Types of Joint Pain in Pets and Their Causes

There are two basic types of joint pain and they include those that are caused by conditions with which pets are born and those that occur as a result of age-related disease or other degenerative issues.

Developmental Joint Pain

These types of problems that cause joint pain are genetic and present at birth. Pets with these concerns are typically born with them or encounter them, as they grow and develop issues, such as hip dysplasia which can lead to problems with a pet’s cranial cruciate ligament.

Degenerative Joint Pain

Degenerative joint pain occurs as a result of the degeneration of a pet’s joints, such as the gradual wearing down of cartilage and tendons in the joints as a result of overuse, arthritis, or age.
A broken leg is one of the most obvious reasons for limping. Legs break due to traumatic injuries or simply getting a leg caught in a fence. You’ll likely be able to see the break and signs of swelling.

Risk Factors for Pet Joint Pain

Pets that are overweight, older, or of certain breeds that are predisposed to musculoskeletal problems like hip dysplasia are at an increased risk of developing joint pain.

Signs and Symptoms of Pet Joint Pain

Sometimes, it can be difficult to recognize when a pet is in pain because they instinctively try to hide their symptoms. If you notice any of the following signs or symptoms in your pet, it could indicate joint paint:

  • Limping or limb favoring
  • Stiffness
  • Difficulty standing up or laying down
  • Trouble jumping up or down from the sofa
  • Licking, biting, or chewing at the affected area
  • Lethargy
  • Irritability
  • Depression

Additionally, subtly changes in your pet’s routine, behavior, appearance, energy level, appetite, and sociability could also indicate a health problem.

Treatments for Pet Pain Management With Capital Home Veterinary Care

Capital Home Veterinary Care offers complete care for pets living with chronic pain. We have a variety of treatments, strategies, and therapies available to provide your pet relief from their joint pain while addressing the underlying condition causing it.

To learn more or to schedule a pet pain management appointment in the comfort of your home, we welcome you to contact our office today.